1. 外向性正向影響淺層演出,但深層演出無關。
2. 淺層演出與深層演出分別負向及正向影響員工正面情感傳遞。
3. 外向性與員工正面情感傳遞無直接關係。
4. 路徑分析結果進一步顯示,外向性經由淺層演出中介來影響員工正面情感傳遞。
In the society, service employments consider first line employees display the ap-propriate emotion can make customers feel good and improve customer service per-formance. The organization often requests employees to display appropriate emotion, in order to conform the rule, they adopt acting displaying to delivery positive affections to customers and bring many benefits to the organization. Extraversion employees usually delivery positive affections to customers and they will return to the store and improve customer service performance, in turn, boost all service performance of the organization. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship among extraversion (EX), emo-tional labor (EL) and employee positive affective delivery (EPAD) about first line em-ployees. The study adopted anonymous questionnaires, the data samples were 303 first line employees, and the response rate was 86.57%. The results are as follows:
1. EX influenced surface acting negatively, but did not affect deep
2. Surface acting and deep acting both affected EPAD negatively and
positively re-spectively.
3. EX does not influenced EPAD directly.
4. Above results was run by path analysis revealed the intervening
variable (emotional labor) had obvious impact between EX and EPAD.
The authors discussed the implications for theory and practices, and suggestions for the further study.