摘要: | 本研究旨在探討台灣地區公立高中舞蹈班學生個人背景因素、學習壓力之現況,分析不同個人背景(性別、年級、學習背景、習舞年資、學業成績、就讀學校、父母親教育程度)在學習壓力上的差異情形。本研究採問卷調查法,研究對象為九十四學年度就讀於台灣地區九所公立高中舞蹈班之學生,經全額施測,實得353份之有效樣本。研究工具包括:「個人背景資料調查表」、「學習壓力量表」。所得資料分別以次數分配、百分率、平均數、標準差、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、薛費事後檢定等統計方法進行分析,所得結果如下:
1. 台灣地區公立高中舞蹈班有超過九成以上之舞蹈班學生皆為「女性」(94.9%);其中以「一年級」佔多數(39.4%),「二年級」次多(32.3%);有近八成學生國中小之學習背景皆就讀過「舞蹈班」(74.9%);學生舞齡以「5~9年」居多(55.2%),「10年以上」次多(39.9%);學業成績以70~79分居多(58.8%)60~69分(26.2%)為次多。學生人數以「中正高中」(14.4%)佔多數,「家齊女中」(9.1%)為最少;舞蹈班學生的父母親教育程度以「高中(職)畢業」居多,而以「國小畢業」為最少。
2. 台灣地區公立高中舞蹈班學生之「學習壓力」程度為2.78,傾向於中等壓力。其
1. 「個人背景因素」對台灣地區公立高中舞蹈班學生之學習壓力有顯著差異。
2. 「性別」、「年級」、「就讀學校」於學習壓力上有顯著差異存在
3. 「學習背景」、「習舞年資」、「學業成績」於學習壓力上有部分的顯著差異存在。
4. 「父親教育程度」與「母親教育程度」於學習壓力上無顯著差異存在。
This study is to explore the current situation of learning stress and personal background for the dancing class students in public high schools in the region of Taiwan, analyzing the difference on learning stress for various personal backgrounds (sex, grades, learning background, years of dancing, academic grades, study school, education of parents). This study uses the questionnaire method, this study objects are dancing class students of nine high schools in the academic year 2005 in the region of Taiwan, and the total survey obtained 353 valid samples. The survey tools employed include 「Survey chart for the data of personal background」 and 「Measure chart for the learning stress」. All the data gathered are analyzed by statistical method of frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheff’s method and etc., and the results obtained are:
1. The「personal background factor」of public high school dancing classes in Taiwan found:
1) Over ninety percent dancing class students of public high school in Taiwan are 「Female」(94.9%); among them most are 「First grade」students (39.4%);「Second grade」students are less (32.3%); the learning background of students who had studied 「Dancing class」in the primary or junior school are nearly eighty percent (74.9%); the dancing years for most of the students are 「5~9 years」(55.2%); the next is 「Over 10 years」(39.9%); mostly their academic scores obtained are 70~79 (58.8%) and 60~69 (26.2%) are the next; most of the students are from 「Chung Cheng High School」(14.4%) and the least are from 「Chia Chi Girl’s High School」(9.1%); the education of the parents of dancing class students are mostly 「Graduated from High (Vocational) schools」 and the least are 「Graduated from Primary schools」.
2) The level of「Learning Stress」for the public high school dancing class students in Taiwan is 2.78,, incline toward medium etc. stress and among them, 「academic grades」,「class load」, and「personal factors」 are all as high as 3.26.
2. The view of 「Factor of personal background」vs. 「Learning stress」
1) The「Factor of personal background」has apparent difference in learning stress for the dancing class students in public high school in Taiwan.
2) 「Sex」, 「Grade」, and 「School」have evident differences in learning stress.
3) 「Learning background」, 「Years of dancing」, and「academic grades」are partially different in learning stress.
4) There is no obvious difference in 「Father’s education」 and 「Mother’s education」are partially differentin in learning stress.
Finally, according to the study result and conclusion suggestions are made. For teachers and parents: To adjust teaching attitude based on students’ characters, establishing fine interactive relationship between teachers and students and accommodate to individual variance, to take account of both male and female and the contact between teachers and parents, concern about student’s emotional life. For the students: self adjustment and appropriate leisure activities. For the school: establishing professional instructors and providing with rehabilitation and healing channels, employing professional dancing teachers, adequate curriculum arrangements, emphasizing extra-curriculum, improving learning environment. For the government: to universalize dancing education, providing professional advanced learning channels for dancing class teachers. For the future research: to expand the research target, adding case survey and actual observation and visiting, and hand to the assisting center for the operation and test, increasing personal background variants and make the survey phase of learning stress more fulfilled. |