Relationship marketing has been gaining greater attention from marketing scholars and practitioners. On the basis of the theory of a relationship profitability model, the purpose of this study is to investigate whether or not we can increase the level of rela-tionship strength (expressed through customer behaviors of words of mouth, loyalty, and complaints) through customer participation. Nowadays, the service industry has entered the era of experiential economy which emphasizes the importance of interac-tions between contact employees and customers in increasing customer perceived value. Existing literature shows that customer participation is positively correlated with cus-tomer perceived value, satisfaction with and commitment to the service firm. Based on these findings, this study proposes that customer participation is positively correlated with the level of relationship strength.
The data source of this study is the customers of barber shops and beauty parlors. 400 structured questionnaires are distributed to the students of the Continuing Education School of Chinese Culture University through a convenience sampling technique. 315 completed questionnaires were returned.
The results show that while controlling for the effects of customer satisfaction, re-lationship bonds, and commitment, customer participation is positively and significantly correlated with both words of mouth and loyalty, supporting our hypotheses. Cus-tomer participation is negatively and significantly correlated with complaint behavior, failing to support our hypothesis. Customer participation is positively and signifi-cantly correlated with relationship strength, support our hypothesis. The theoretical and practical implications of this study and future research suggestions are discussed.