摘要: | 本研究以國人對溫泉保健旅遊認知、態度與意願為主軸,並以健康生活型態與推拉力動機探討之。研究樣本為702位旅遊至北部陽明山、烏來,中部泰安、南部關子嶺及東部礁溪溫泉區,且年齡滿20歲之台灣遊客。採簡單迴歸分析來檢定國人溫泉保健旅遊認知、態度與意願之關係;並運用複迴歸分析來檢定國人健康生活型態、推力與拉力動機對國人溫泉保健旅遊認知、態度與意願之關係。本研究結果想了解遊客之看法,提供政府或業者等供給面,發展溫泉保健旅遊理論與實質上的建議。
This study was mainly to investigate the cognition, attitude, and intention of domestic hot spring health traveler and to examine the influences of healthy-living life style and push-pull motivation on the main framework. The research samples consisted of 702 domestic health travelers over 20 years old within the hot spring areas in Yang ming Shan, Wulai in northern Taiwan, Tainan of Miaoli in midland Taiwan, Guan Tzu-Ling of Tainan in southern Taiwan, and Jiaosi of Yilan in eastern Taiwan. Data were analyzed by simple regression analysis to confirm the relationships among cognition, attitude, and intention of domestic hot spring health traveler, as well as multiple-regression-analysis to examine the influences of healthy-living life style and push-pull motivation on cognition, attitude, and intention, respectively. The results of this study attempted to understand the tourist’s viewpoints, to provide theoretical and practical suggestions regarding promoting hot spring healthy travel for supply-side governments and industries.
The study design was based on quantification to survey hot spring healthy travelers. The questionnaire consisted of six parts including cognition, attitude, intention, healthy- living life style, push and pull motivation and demographic data. Of 1,200 questionnaires distributed, 58.5% were usable, resulting in a total of 702 questionnaires were analyzed within the data collection period from January 31th to April 11th, 2009. Data were utilized by Descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation and regression analyses in the study.
The results of this study indicated that 1) the cognition had significant influence on the attitude of domestic health traveler. 2) The attitude had significant influence on the intention of domestic health traveler. 3) Healthy- living life style did not have significant influence on the cognition, attitude, and intention of domestic health traveler, respectively. 4) Push and pull motivation have significant influences on the cognition, attitude, and intention of domestic health traveler, respectively. Theoretical and managerial implications are provided in the study. |