Developments in medicine have often led to the treatability of incurable symptoms and moderation of the hardships in many diseases bringing about innumerable happy memories. Thus, in the case of infertility as well, technical advances in artificial procreation have brought to its many recipients unbounded hope and vision. As the saying goes, there are three acts in violation of filial piety of which breaking the family line has most significance. Although having off-spring connotes fulfillment in traditional thought and culture, however, when considering developments in medical technology that at times are far ahead of the prevailing legal system giving rise in times of technological advance to many complicated social conflicts and problems, the prevailing legal system need undergo review and adaptation in order to resolve those threats brought on by such advanced technology. This is precisely the current relevant issue with which we must cope.
The system of surrogate birth mothers has been practiced for years overseas, but has here been only a subject in the national dialogue without becoming legislation. Since the issue in today's society has been intensely debated and has congealed into a dilemma of considerably more difficulty, thus the relevant government departments (comprising both the executive and legislative branches) should actively consider how to promote an amicable and effective environment for communication to thereby obtain the consensus at all levels of society with hoped for rapid implementation of subsequent legislation. This document intends via an analytical survey of foreign legal precedence, analytical research of relevant prior court adjudications and debate of the national domestic current laws and regulations to provide a set of feasible methods which the people and relevant government departments can adopt for review.