國小一年級階段是日後人格發展的基礎,若能盡早學習健康知識並建立健康行為, 影響往後人生的發展,多項研究指出,台灣的新生在銜接幼稚園與國小生活時,在生活 衛生習慣的建立上仍有許多適應的問題,若未能盡早養成健康的生活衛生習慣,更會影 響自身的健康,甚至罹患流行性疾病。雖然現行九年一貫課程的改革納入了學童生活衛 生教育,但課程時間仍十分有限,常是傳統教具搭配大課堂進行,學童無法當場練習操 作,不容易吸引學生的注意力,加上教師人力有限,若學童的動作發生錯誤也無法馬上 進行個別指正與調整,且目前的電腦輔助教材僅以平面呈現及滑鼠操控,真實感不足, 而遊戲式學習所建立的情境式學習環境即可維持學習者的注意力,體感遊戲也被證實能 增進認知與動作技能的學習,合作學習更可帶來遊戲中所缺乏的社會互動性。本研究之 目的為運用Input-Process-Outcome數位遊戲式學習模式所設計的體感遊戲,在合作學習 的環境中施行,希望提升國小學童的生活衛生科普教育成效,由於運用IPO模式作為體 感遊戲設計基礎,以及結合合作學習與角色分配於體感遊戲的觀念較為新穎,探討學習 成效的實證研究仍十分有限,因此將比較有無融入IPO模式與合作學習概念在生活衛生 科普學習環境中學習成效與滿意度的差異。 For most people, the first grade period is the basis of development of characteristics. Much research shows that first graders have difficulty adopting into school life in the daily hygiene aspect. Without correct daily hygiene habits, students may get diseases and affect health. Although daily hygiene is scheduled in students’ formal program, the class time is still insufficient and students do not have the opportunity to practice. Students’ incorrect conducts will not be aware due to insufficient faculty. Moreover, computer assisted instructions on daily hygiene are in 2D animation and controlled by mouse only. Game-based learning is proofed to retain students’ attention and motivation. Furthermore, somatosensory games can improve cognitive and psychomotor skills. Cooperative learning will bridge the gap of social interaction leaking in game-based learning. In this study, Input-Process-Outcome instructional game model will be adapted in a somatosensory game in a cooperative learning environment to improve first graders’ daily hygiene education. The differences in learning effect and satisfaction will further be compared and analyzed.