本研究係三年期的整合型計畫之第二和第三年。第一年(整合型第二年)是針對各國大 學與研究機構之研究(後進)人力培育的發展現況予以歸納統整與比較分析,以找出當前的 主要趨勢,並做為我國檢討之依據。研究(後進)人力培育制度分成四個階段,分別是:「大 學階段之研究(後進)人力的培育」、「研究所階段之研究(後進)人力的培育」、「博士後研究階 段之研究(後進)人力的培育」、「大學新進教師階段之研究(後進)人力的培育」。第二年(整合 型第三年)則以我國在這四個階段的實施現況進行檢討,並提出建議與改進措施。在研究方 法上擬採文獻分析法、實地訪談法、比較研究法以及焦點團體等方法進行。研究人力的培育 在提升教育研究品質上為相當重要的一環。尤其是研究的人力資源之培育,對於教育研究政 策、教育研究方法與領域有著密切的關係,而國際組織和各國也對後進研究人力有相當的關 注。然而,目前在這方面的研究並不多。故而,本子計畫的研究成果將與其他子計畫結合成 較完整的圖像,以增進對此議題的了解與改進,研究成果將可提供相關機構未來評估與規劃 之參考。 The research is the second and third year of the integrated research project. The first year (integrated 2 year) is on the comparative study of the cultivation of new generation academics in main countries. The purpose of the comparison is to find out the trends in this field which will be used for the evaluation of the status quo in Taiwan. Four periods are used for the process of cultivation: undergraduate, master and doctor students, post-doctor researcher, and new comer as a research. The second year (integrated 3 year) is on the evaluation of the cultivation of new generation academics in Taiwan by using the above framework. The research methods used are literature review, interview, comparative study, and focus groups etc. The cultivation of new generation academics is a key link for good education research. The human resources in education research are much related with education research policy, methods and favored field in research. This topic has gain focus, but without enough research. This sub-project will co-operate other sub-projects in forming a whole picture on education research which will be used for the improvement of our own.