本研究欲探索的的主題為資通訊科技(ICT)產品與服務圖形化使用者介面(GUIs)當中的圖示(Icon)元素之設計表現與其在增進使用性(Usability)以及使用者的視覺行為上的影響。近年因為軟硬體顯示品質與尺寸的增加,以及搭載各類智慧產品的應用程式市場蓬勃發展,現今圖示的設計現況與過去已有風格迴異的的表現,為了能夠有意義地重新開啟這個過去曾被頻繁研究過的問題,本計畫在方法學(methodology)方面將有系統地結合視覺行為實驗觀察以及實作取向的研究策略進行。本研究計畫將包含三大個部分的研究工作,包括1.以MDS法和語意評量法建立圖示主要影響因素與特徵描述(這部分工作約已經完成)2.依循主要影響因素設計眼球追蹤實驗與手眼協調使用行為觀察。3.根據眼球追蹤實驗結果研發且測試未來可行的眼動介面上的圖示。 This research project proposes a series of research works to explore the impact of cognitive features of icons in GUIs design in current ICT products and service. The usability of icons with different visual features, such as different colors setting, frames, complexity and realistic levels will be observed. In this project, there are three research parts addressing different aspects of icon designing practice: 1. collecting sufficient amount of sample icons and using sorting experiment with MDS to analysis sampled icons. This part of research was completed. 2. Evaluating users’ behavior with Eye-tracking experiment and behavioral observation. 3. Designing and testing eye-controlled UI icons based on the previous research results.