本研究旨在發展「大學生心理資源量表」。透過文獻探討建立研究的理論基礎,再以文獻探討的結果作為研究架構及量表編製的依據。本研究以中國文化大學之大一新生為研究樣本,得預試樣本4897名,正式樣本4835名。本研究量表建立專家內容效度,透過探索性因素分析確立大學生心理資源由「價值感」、「主控感」、「希望感」與「韌性」四個因子組成。並進行內部一致性信度與再測信度考驗,且以驗證性因素分析、相關分析、團體差異分析進行效度考驗。考驗結果總量表Cronbach α係數.975,四個分量表係數介於.916至.945之間,顯示具有良好的內部一致性信度;再測信度亦可接受;建構效度之大部份指標均符合標準值;效標關聯效度達.45,顯示量表效度具有一定程度的水準。最後,根據研究結果,進一步對未來的研究與實務上的運用提出建議。
The purpose of the study was to develop a reliable and valid Psychological Resources Scale for University Students. International and national discourses and researches were referred to make up the theoretical framework and the item pool of the scale. The data were collected from the freshmen of P.C.C.U. The number of the participants was 4897 for pre-test and 4835 in formal study. Through the methods of item analysis and exploratory factor analysis, psychological resources of university students were extracted into 4 factors: self-worth, sense of control, hope, and resilience. The statistic methods applied in this study were descriptive statistics, Cronbach’s , Pearson’s correlation, confirmatory factor analysis , and t-test. The internal consistency of the scale was .975 and each of its four sub-scales was between .916 to .945. Test-retest reliability was .718, which was acceptable. These results demonstrated that the scale is stable and reliable. The scale resulted in good constructing validity. Criterion-Related Validity was .45, which also indicated good validity. According to the findings and conclusions, this study provided some recommendations for future studies and practical work.