Compulsive buying behavior is increasingly recognized as a growing problem among consumers in general. Considered as a side effect of materialism and the dark side of consumer behavior, compulsive buying has been under scrutiny by numerous customer researchers as well as marketers because of its serious impact on the individual and the public. The key determinant of compulsive buying behavior is credit card and materialism. Credit card as lifestyle facilitators and a tool that make consumer use to manage and regulate their lifestyles. Therefore, the increasing of credit card use in consumer lifestyle can bring an effect to the compulsive buying behavior. This study regards the intention to use credit card and materialism as a crucial factors for compulsive buying behavior. Percieved value, fashion oriented, personality traits are important factors that determines the intention to use credit card and materialism.
This study aims to fill this research gap by firstly developing a comprehensive research framework for compulsive buying behavior. The research model will be evaluated through questionnaire survey by targeting the samples from the bank credit card customers in Indonesia. Multivariate data analyses included SEM (Structural Equation Model), ANOVA (Analysis Of Variance) and hirarchical regression will be adopted to empirically test the developed research hypotheses. The result of this study from 343 samples are the intention to use credit card and materialism tend to have a positive relationship to compulsive buying behavior.