韓愈是開啓客家文風的人,象徵著漢人開發嶺南的先聲,也成爲客家信仰的 核心之一。本文主要探討韓愈在擔任潮州刺史期間,種種嶺南的自然景觀和少許 漢人的生活情形,此後客家勢力東渡臺灣,將華北舊有習俗帶進這兒,成爲臺灣 的主流社區和社群之一。韓愈開啓的文風功不可沒,雖然韓愈在中央政府發展不 盡如人意,但卻無心插柳柳成蔭,在地方政府和文學上有傑出的表現,成爲一個 族群敬拜的對象。本文主要探討嶺南幾個面向:險惡的嶺南、少數民族充斥的嶺 南、大自然崇拜的嶺南、唐代開發的嶺南、耕種和農業的嶺南、少數民族和漢人 的嶺南等,企圖對漢人開發嶺南和韓愈扮演的角色,作清楚的釐清。未來則將以 漢人的主體性進行探討。
Han Yu, was the founder of the Hakka Chinese literary style, a symbol of the pioneering Han Chinese cultivation of Ling-nan Mountains, and one of the key figures in the Hakka religion of today. This essay aims to discuss the nature of the landscapes and daily lives of this Han minority, during the time of Han Yu’s mission as Secretary of Investigations in Teochew (Chaozhou) after which the might of the Hakka Chinese was transported east to Taiwan; bringing the traditional costumes of North China with them. Thereafter, Hakka Chinese grew to become one of the main stream communities of Taiwan. Although Han Yu was not successful in his civil service within the central government, he did a great job in service of the local government and in regards to literature. Thus, he accidently became an idol of the Hakka Chinese community. The main themes of this essay are: the evil of the Ling-nan mountains, the minority people all around the Ling-nan area, the Shaman worship of the Ling-nan mountains, the cultivation of the Ling-nan mountains duringTang Dynasty, the farming and agriculture of the Ling-nan mountains, as well as the minority and Han Chinese living in the Ling-nan mountains. The purpose of this essay is to identify the roles of Han Chinese and Han Yu in the development of the Ling-nan mountains. In the future, based on this discussion, there will be more research focused mainly on the function of the Han Chinese in the cultivation of the Ling-nan mountains.