有關記憶奥古斯丁在《懺悔錄》裡最著名的一句引言:‘ego sum, qui memini, ego animus’。 這是可理解的,即,心靈在他的記憶理論裡是扮演著一個舉足輕重的角色,可是心靈卻只是靈 魂的概念的一部分而已。因為在他的哲學思想的系統裡,記憶是一種純粹精神的心靈之一種自 然的稟賦。\r
奥古斯丁認為,我們在曰常生活有以下三種管道使得事物被記憶在我們的心靈裡:第一種 是透過感官使事物的肖像刻印在記憶中;其次則是不透過感官,而是透過學習使得知識本身向 我們顯現,使我們能夠回憶起它們;第三種是透過某些的觀念以及印象使得記憶保留肖像在心 靈中。此篇文章就是分別討論這三種管道如何能使得記憶在我們的心靈中成為可能。
The most illustrious quote concerning memory in Augustine’s Confessions is ^ ego sum, qui memini, ego animus’ It is understandable that the mind plays an essential role in his theory of memory; however, the mind is only a part of his concept of soul. The reason for this is that in his philosophical system memory is the natural aptitude of a purely spiritual mind.
Augustine holds that in our daily lives there are three ways in which things can be memorized in our minds: firstly, images of things are impressed into our memory by sense perceptions. Secondly, knowledge itself is presented to us not through our senses, but by means of learning, which helps our recollection. Finally, images are kept in our minds by way of notions and impressions. This paper discusses these three paths separately, to determine how memory can work in our minds.