美學在西方強調知識論的進路,注重的是「目之見」,而中國藝術精神是「心之見」,是從「形 上學」出發的,方東美很好的揭示了這一點。中國哲學和中國藝術的精神是一體的,「透過藝術 看宇宙,透過哲學看藝術」,中國哲學和藝術都是在至廣至大的和諧「中道」中相融相即。鑒於 此,方先生從詩化哲學出發,對優美(美)和壯美(崇高)也給出了新意,是從尼采而不是從博 克(E. Burke, 1729-1797)和康德(I. Kant, 1724-1804)作申論。方先生對美學本體和範疇的新論提供 了未來中國哲學美學融合中西的新出路。
Fang Dongmei shows well that the western aesthetics is epistemology throughout and it emphasizes to see by eyes, but the spirit of Chinese art emphasizes to see by the heart and it is based on metaphysics. The spirit of Chinese philosophy and art are accordant, that is, to see the universe by the art and to see the art by the philosophy. And they are inosculated in the spacious, harmonious middle road. Therefore, Fang Dongmei provides the new meaning of Beauty and Sublime from the poetic philosophy, and states it from Nietzsche but not Burk and Kant. Basing the new opinions of Aesthetic ontology and category, Mr. Fang offers a new way to fuse Chinese and Western for the future Chinese philosophic aesthetics.