國內鮮少研究針對中華民國品質保障協會服務品質提出改善模式,故本研究以會員專家為對象,調查其知覺品保協會服務品質之相關因素,進而提出影響關係模式。首先以文獻歸納主要因素,繼以多準則決策 (Multiple Criteria Decision Making,MCDM)理論建構量化之層級評估體系,再以決策試驗與實驗評估法(Decision Making and Trial Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)進行分析,最後提出評估構面及準則間相互影響之網絡關係圖(Network Relation Map, NRM),歸納出影響服務品質之改善模式。以構面影響力而言,由大至小依次為「保證性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「有形性」、「關懷性」,可代表品保協會服務品質因素之影響或改善模式;而各構面之準則亦有影響力之大小順序,形成改善之優先順序。研究結果可為品保協會、政府相關單位及後續研究之參酌。
Few literature deals with service quality model of the R.O.C. Travel Quality Assurance Association (TQAA) from the perspective of the travel agencies. Thus, the present study was initiated to propose the influential model of service quality of TQAA. First, the main factors that influence service quality of TQAA were constructed via literature review and con-verted into multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) evaluation system. Subsequently, a survey was carried out to investigate the expert agen-cy-members of TQAA and collect their opinions which were then examined using decision making and trial evaluation laboratory (DEMATEL). The result, network relation map (NRM), shows that the quality service model of TQAA including five dimensions and 16 criteria with inter-influential relationship networked by various influential values from high to low. Therefore, the influential order of dimensions can be sequenced as “assur-ance”, “reliability”, “responsiveness”, “tangible” and “empathy”. The same rule can also be applied to the individual dimension and the influential se-quence can be ordered among the criteria as well. Overall, the research re-sult demonstrates an improvement model of service quality of TQAA and can be useful reference for the related authorities.