摘要: | 隨著行動科技的發展與成熟及台灣地區全民行動上網率的普及,行動商務逐漸成為繼電子商務後企業注意的焦點,透過行動載具購買各式票卷即是這一波行動商務中令人重視的一大商機。因此本研究嘗試找出影響使用者採用行動購票服務的因素,並探究這些因素間如何相互影響及最後如何影響使用者的採用意願。
In Taiwan, due to the growing mobile technology and the popularity of internet mobile internet rates, difference from the traditional electronic commerce, the mobile commerce advance enterprises in efficiency and performance. In this wave of internet development, purchase of all kinds of tickets by using mobile devices has become the most important of mobile commerce. Therefore this study to identify the impact users using mobile ticketing service factor to develop a conceptual model, and hope to understand what factors influence intentions of using mobile ticketing.
This study integrates Technology Acceptance Model, are eight variables include: self-efficacy, compatibility, perceived convenience, trust, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude and intention, and hope to understand what factors influence intentions of using mobile ticketing. By way of questionnaire survey, we collect the data from internet and conducted a questionnaire consisting of 70 mobile devices users, 408 questionnaires issued, 399 valid questionnaires were retrieved and effective retrieved rate of 96.7%, except the invalid ones, and analysis the data using SEM to test the hypotheses.
The study found that TAM components: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived convenience, compatibility and trust are important and positive influence on intention of using mobile ticketing. |