The basketball game as a “spectator sport” in Taiwan developed in a rather early age around 1950’s. The crowd has been packing the stadium when game was on. According to a survey “sports city survey”conducted by Sports Administration Ministry of Education in 2012, the number of people involved in basketball ranked number one within all ball games. Meanwhile, basketball game stands slightly beneath baseball game as the second most viewed sport event. Thus, basketball has its significant influence represented in both participation and viewing sector in Taiwan.The speedy improvement of communication tech has hammered the local games since the international basketball games, especially NBA, imported daily without delay. The disparity enlarged when Linsanity became a fad in 2012. The audience rating of Taiwanese Super Basketball League (SBL) plummeted to one third of the NBA games. Hence, the research aims to investigate the reason why audience identify with and support a foreign basketball game NBA based on reception analysis. the research has classified three types of audiences ,These three different groups with different focus perceive the NBA games in various ways have developed different identification to support NBA.