With the development of the economic environment, many firms taking an attitude toward CSR is not just dispensable, but necessary as core value of corporate governance. However, there are many firms disclose their CSR reporting and financial statements to the external users. Furthermore, the transparency of financial reporting indicates that it is social responsibility for investors, creditors and stakeholders. Nevertheless, when the agency theory derives opportunism the management may exploit the CSR behavior to carry out the earnings management. The result is support transparent financial reporting hypothesis And the same time, we use the four items of corporate governance that the ratio of independent and supervisors, the ratio of director and supervisors ,the ratio of director earnings deviation and the ratio of external in institutional ownership.We use discretionary as a proxy for earings management and find the characteristics (ratio of independent and supervisors, the ratio of director and supervisors and the ratio of external in institutional ownership) will lower the degree of management. On the other hand, we find the director earnings deviation will increase the extent of eanrings management.