近年來,非營利組織之發展趨於成熟,而為了使組織得以穩定成長,行銷方式之運用越發受人重視,本研究以探討行銷運作模式對於非營利組織的重要性,以表演藝術類非營利組織「財團法人台北愛樂文教基金會」(Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education)為單一研究對象。
Recently, marketing strategies have been used widely over all Non-Profit Organi-zation, keeping them grow steadily. In other words, marketing strategies have great im-pact on the development of Non-Profit Organization.
In this research, we take the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Edu-cation (TPFCE) as our case study and marketing mix as the research tool to see how the TPFCE can make more audiences enjoy the performance and build up its brand image at the same time.
In addition, by in-depth interviews and document reviews, we also put forward following suggestions to Non-Profit Organizations: 1.Seeking for the cooperations with government or corporations; 2.Forming strategic alliances to strengthen their resources.
On the other hand, government and corporations should make efforts to 1.Promoting more art activities to the society; 2.Motivating more art activities into the rural areas, helping the local residences have chances to appreciate the beauty of arts; 3.Scrutizing the subsidies to the beneficiary groups.