Icon is an important visual element in graphical user interfaces (GUIs) design, and its diversity in appearance grows with the popularization of information and communication technology (ICT) products. The aim of the present study is to analysis the style variety of icons commonly used in current user interfaces by adopting multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) method. The researcher collected 300 icons evenly present six different functions, specifically setting, searching, message, camera, music and game, were obtained by a sorting experiment. The participants were asked to sort those icons that represent a same function into two, three or more groups. Each time any two icons were sorted into a same group represents the growth of their similarity. The sorting criterion simply based on the similarity of their look. Based on this non-semantic task, the similarity matrix between 50 icons of six functions was obtained. The MDS results shown that the form of frame, the realistic level, the complexity were the several revealed features in such investigation. The researcher also carried out a semantic rating of the icon stimuli. Over 80 raters who are familiar with ICT GUIs were invited to rate each icon by its colorfulness, realistic level, expressiveness, and preference. The results show a positive correlation between some semantics features.