近年來,許多明星除了廣告代言之外,也紛紛開創屬於自己的明星品牌並推出眾多商品,這儼然成為現今流行趨勢之一。因此本研究旨在探討消費者對於明星品牌商品之購買意願及其影響因素為何。本研究以Ohanian於1991年所提出可信度來源以及Schiffman and Kanuk於2000所提出購買意願而形成本研究之研究架構。本研究採用問卷調查法來做資料蒐集。研究結果發現:明星偶像可信度與購買意願有正向相關,而且品牌態度存在中介效果,配適度存在干擾效果。過去學者所提出廣告代言效果之研究甚多,鮮少提出明星品牌之相關研究,兩者雖同為替品牌、商品做代言,但主要差異在於,一般廣告代言是替他人之品牌、商品做代言,而明星品牌則是替自家品牌、商品做代言。在管理意涵上,本研究以偶像明星為例,可提供經紀公司及偶像明星本人參考之用,此外更可延伸至,欲操作名人(歌手、演員、作家、運動明星等公眾人物)擁有其明星品牌所借鏡之用。
Recent years, many stars not only endorse but also build up their own celebrity brands and promote their products which become a trend. Therefore, this is about the study of consumer’s purchase intention toward celebrity brand goods.The research framework is based on the theory of source credibility by Ohanian (1991) and purchase intention by Schiffman and Kanuk (2000). The data were collected via internet and entity questionnaire. The research result indicates that credibility and purchase intention is positive correlation. In addition, the brand attitude has mediating effect and the purchase intention has moderating effect.