摘要: | 大稻埕迪化街的建築物具有傳統建築語彙與歷史保存之特色,過去因政府的規範不足,使古蹟與歷史建築在修復的過程中遭受到破壞與拆除,許多建築物立面元素與建築特色喪失考證與保存的機會,在「大稻埕歷史風貌特定專用區」劃定後,修復的歷史街屋才逐年增加與恢復,在修復與歷史保存的過程中,結合街景車掃描系統以數位保存方式予以紀錄,將成為最迅速可靠的方法。
本論文以TOPCON IP-S2 Lite街景車掃描系統,依IP-S2 Lite 配件說明、IP-S2 Lite系統配置圖、IP-S2 Lite軟體操作、攝影處理程序、影像資料解析處理、計算CV值、CV接合、影像補圖邊修、座標轉換及調整與GIS應用軟體,建立IP-S2 Lite街景車掃描系統標準作業程序,應用於大稻埕迪化街街屋建築、街屋元素、街屋風格、街屋窗戶、街屋鑄鐵窗風格等特色,建立數位影像與分析資料。
本論文應用TOPCON IP-S2 Lite街景車掃描迪化街街屋,總數為82棟建築物,由拍攝數位影像統計結果,洋樓紅磚街屋一共15棟、文藝復興牌樓22棟、現代主義建築物28棟、70年代後建築10棟與其他7棟建築物,其中街屋立面元素侏儒柱、立面牌樓、女兒牆、鑄鐵窗、四柱三窗、裝飾性藝術、牛腳等,四柱三窗與女兒牆占多數,鑄鐵窗以植物紋樣居多。以街景車拍攝影像檔,應用於辨識與統計,量測時間較傳統測量時間縮短,且可不定期或定期掃描紀錄,提供都會區都市紋理變化之參考。
Ta-tao-cheng Di-hua street building with traditional architecture and historic preservation of the characteristics of the past because of lack of government regulations, the historic buildings in the repair process suffered destruction and demolition, many building facades and architectural elements featured loss research and preservation of opportunity, "Ta-tao-cheng historical style specialized areas" designation after the restoration of historic street house was increasing year by year and recovery, restoration and historic preservation in the process, combined with the street car system to digitally scan save manner record, will be the most rapid and reliable method.
In this thesis, TOPCON IP-S2 Lite street car scanning system, according to IP-S2 Lite Accessory Description, IP-S2 Lite system configuration diagram, IP-S2 Lite software operation, photography processing, image data analysis processing, calculating the CV value, CV bonding the image edge complement repair, coordinate transformation and adjustment and GIS applications, the establishment of IP-S2 Lite street car scanning system standard operating procedures, used Ta-tao-cheng Di-hua street house architecture, street houses elements of style shop houses, shop houses windows, street house style cast iron windows and other features, to create digital image data and analytical information.
This thesis applications TOPCON IP-S2 Lite street car scan Di-hua street house, a total of 82 buildings, digital images captured by the statistics, a total of 15 Western-style red brick street houses, Renaissance arches 22, modernist architecture material 28, 70 years after the building 10 with other seven buildings, including street house facade elements dwarf columns, facade arches, parapet, cast iron windows, four three windows, decorative arts, cow and foot, four-three window with parapet majority, mostly iron window patterns of plants. Image files shot in street cars, used in identification and statistics, measurement time compared to traditional measurement time is shortened, and may occasionally or regularly scan records, providing urban texture changes in the metropolitan area reference. |