摘要: | 自行動裝置的興起,人們能了解與想找的人有另一條管道能夠傳遞訊息,其最重要的在於人們之間的聯繫,擁有行動裝置就如同有了一條不間斷的線,牽扯在每個使用者之間,使得人們之間的溝通少了一道隔閡,能夠緊緊的拉近彼此的距離,這意義是最初社會大眾對於行動裝置的看法。人們所使用的電子信箱、網站、網路社群等,能夠將訊息發佈給其他人的工具,依然受到使用者的生活作息、行程的影響,無法在準確的時間上發佈消息,而預發訊息(Pre-sending message)的功能不僅提供了一個更超脫地理、時間與環境因素影響的工具,更能讓收到訊息的一方感到備受重視。
本研究將以共在儀式(co-present rituals)探討使用者使用預發訊息對社會凝聚力(Community Cohesion)的影響以及F. D. Davis提出的科技接受模式(Technology acceptance model,TAM)之模型,針對使用行動裝置之使用者進行對預發訊息的需求與有用性分析之相關性,並且針對分析結果進行建置行動裝置上具有預發訊息功能以及具有社交與社群特性的應用程式。分析結果顯示大多數人容易遺漏或遺忘必須發送的訊息,且使用者對預發訊息的認知有用性對使用者行為意圖有中度相關,綜觀來說,當使用者對於預發訊息的有用性提升,相對需求提升,因此本研究將建置一應用程式,同時符合使用者需求,針對預約訊息的功能上透過Facebook提供發佈塗鴉牆訊息以及發佈私人的SMS訊息,提供一個使用於智慧型手機上的應用程式 —— PRES,Pre-Sending Message System,避免遺漏訊息同時,使人類於未來的生活中更有效率且可能提升個人時間管理與人際關係發展。
By means of mobile phones and mobile networks, users can send messages to others without the restrictions from time or geography. Basically, messages can be sent at anytime from anywhere. Unfortunately, constraints still exist, because of users. For instance, a user might forget his lover’s birthday, or he might be currently occupied by something else. However, due to the tight schedule, emergency, or distinct factors, the message might not be sent on time. Pre-sending message might be able to solve this problem to show the receivers how they are important.
The research is divided into two phases: question survey, design and implementation . In the first phase, an online questionnaire survey was conducted. Around 100 Taiwanese, who were also regular users of mobile social networks, were questioned and interviewed. The statistics analysis shows most of the interviewees do forget things and will appreciate if there is an application to help them. That leads to Phase 2. In the second phase, a pre-sending message system, called PRES, has been built on the mobile environment. No matter using message technology on life or work, messages are most important method to communicate to each other. Users can set up the messages freely and send the messages automatically when time is up. Users can have better popularity and it’s useful with PRES. |