本文所探討的德布西g小調第三號小提琴奏鳴曲 (Sonata in g minor for violin and piano, No. 3 )為德布西晚年飽受直腸癌之苦時所譜寫出的樂曲。奏鳴曲的形式並不嚴謹,但其中處理音樂的方式,也較以自由的方式呈現。德布西以罕見地熱情譜寫此曲,在樂曲中也反映出德布西當時的心境起伏,也許正因為飽受病痛之苦,或是處於如火如荼的第一次世界大戰時期,使得樂曲表現顯得些許焦慮不安。像這樣較投入、較主觀的表現方式,對德布西來說是第一次也是最後一次。
This thesis examines Debussy’s Sonata for Violin and Piano in G minor , composed during his painful plight of colon cancer. The work does not strictly follow standard sonata structure, but the touching of notes is rather simultaneous. Debussy enthusiastically composes and this work reflects his fluctuating mood. The anxious and irritating characteristic is likely a result of his illness or the circumstances of WWI. His dedication and subjective idiosyncrasy could be viewed as Debussy’s first and last attempt to show his emotion.
This study is divided into five chapters. Chapter One describes the purpose and methods of this research. Chapter Two provides an outline of Debussy’s life and oeuvre as a means to better understand this violin sonata. Chapter Three focuses on music analysis, including formal structure as well as other factors. Chapter Four discusses performance technique as well as interpretation, and the final chapter provides a conclusion.