本計畫包含三子計畫 (1)抗逆境寄接梨生產技術:探討寄接梨花苞寄接前後不同碳水化合物處理對寄接成活率、著果率及果實生長與品質之影響。並進一步探討碳水化合物處理對花苞副梢葉片生長與功能之影響,以改進現行寄接技術,以安全的碳水化合物取代化學生長調節劑,提高寄接成活率及梨穗抗逆境能力,可實質降低果農生產風險及成本,且減少天然災害發生時農政單位對受災果農之救助經費支出。 (2)多元梨穗品種調查及應用之評估:為增加國內高接梨接穗品種多元化,調查目前國內栽培的東方梨品種及進一步篩選出梨穗品種,同時調查梨穗採收適期及冷藏時間,以瞭解梨穗適當採穗時間及滿足低溫需求所需之冷藏時間,進一步直接應用於產業。以田間調查方式,選定約10個品種,完成品種高接後之生產表現。再由其中選出2-3個表現優異之品種,進行冷藏需求試驗,探求出最佳採穗及冷藏條件。 (3)梨樹果實儲藏性與鈣營養狀況之探討:建立台中二號晶圓梨果實不耐儲藏現象與土壤、葉片及肥培管理之關係。瞭解土壤、葉片與果實鈣營養與果實耐儲性之關係,以進一步提升新品種梨之推廣發展潛力。調查植株葉片與果實營養狀況,並採收各株果實調查其儲藏性,利用葉片養分分析資料及貯藏特性,進一步運用回歸分析建立葉片與果實營養與果實耐儲性間之關係。同時在果實極不耐儲藏之果園,葉面施行五種鈣肥,以及土壤施用有機質與鈣肥進行改良,探討改善果實貯藏性之效果。
1.Techniques for improving stress tolerance in top working pear production system:(1)Documenting various carbohydrate treatments on survival, fruit set,fruit growth and fruit quality in topworking pears. (2)Investigating carbohydrate treatemtns effects on funchtion and growth of bourse shoot leaves. (3)Reducing grower’s risk and cost by improving topworking technique and budwood survival with carbohydrate treatments and by reducing the use of synthetic growth regulaters. 2.The evaluation of pear varieties for top working scion:(1). Investigate domestic pear cultivars and select proper scion cultivar for top-graft pear uses. 2-3 superior cultivars would be selected. (2) Investigate cold storage requirement of selected scion cultivar which are for top-graft pear uses. 3.Study on the relationship between pear fruit storage and calcium nutrient:The objective of this research is to clarify the relationship between fruit physiological disorder and nutrient condition of low chilling pear new variety "Taichung No. 2". Analysis of soil available nutrients, leaf and fruit nutrient condition, and fruit storage ability will be carried out. Fertilization dosage and seasons will also be investigated from the fruit growers to figure out the relationship between fruit physiological disorder and nutrient management. Foliar fertilization of 5 different calcium nutrients, and soil fertilization of organic matter and calcium will be applied at selected orchards where the fruits have serious storage disorder problem. The results can be utilized as the cultivation guideline for low chilling requirement pear in Taiwan.