摘要: | 本研究旨在瞭解藏傳佛教徒之喪親經驗、藏傳佛教協助喪親弟子走過喪親哀悼之歷程,以及了解藏傳佛教徒經歷喪親後所重新建構之生死觀。本研究採質性研究之敘說研究法,輔以半結構式的深度訪談,本研究結果發現對於藏傳佛教的信徒而言,在哀傷的喪親歷程中,藏傳佛教的信仰扮演著極重要的支持的力量,幫助喪親者得以在失去摯愛親友後,創傷的心靈得以獲得撫慰,哀慟的情感得以找到療癒。其具體內涵包括:
一、 對藏傳佛教「視師如佛」的核心信念,讓上師成為了一個有效能的助人工作者角色,透過上師的開導、提醒,讓喪親弟子們有了面對失落經驗的情緒宣洩與認知重建,是藏傳佛教弟子們一個重要心理支持的資源。
二、 藏傳佛教弟子們對於上師的信任與依賴,會在喪親當下主動向上師求助,相信透過上師修持頗瓦法,親人得以往生淨土,獲得佛陀眷顧。也因為認同上師的信念,而能重新審視並轉化修復與往生親友間的關係。
三、 藏傳佛教徒於喪親當下,無論是寺廟或中心的喇嘛及師兄姐們,會依循上師的叮嚀引導,協助喪親者辦理喪儀,穩定內在失落情緒,這些協助者如同組成了一個心理支持性團體,對喪親者而言都是一股協助復原的療癒力量。
四、 藏傳佛教的喪儀能兼容台灣宗教習俗之傳統喪儀,此是藏傳佛教佛法上慈悲與圓融的展現,令喪親者亦能以從涵容的態度學會彈性與開放。
五、 藏傳佛教之死生同等的觀念,令喪親之弟子能夠坦然的心境去接受死亡的到來、以較正向的態度來調整喪親後個人的整體狀態,其傷痛的療癒過程與恢復能力皆較為佳。
The purpose of this study is to understand Tibetan Buddhist’s experience of bereavement, how bereaved Buddhists go through the process of mourning by the support of Tibetan Buddhism, and the reconstructed view of life-and-death after bereavement. The method of this study is narration, and by the support of semi-structure way of in-depth interview. The result is that the belief of Tibetan Buddhism plays an extremely important role on supporting Tibetan Buddhist in the process of bereavement. With the supporting power, the bereaved Buddhists could soothe the trauma and heal the sad feeling. The concrete contents include:
A. The core belief in Tibetan Buddhism, treating guru as Buddha, makes guru a role of efficient helper. By the enlightenment and suggestion of guru, bereaved Buddhists gain an important inner power to support themselves to face the loss experience by soothing feelings and reconstructing cognition.
B. Tibetan Buddhists trust on guru, so they will ask for help from guru when their family members pass away. Through holding Phowa by guru, Tibetan Buddhists believe their relatives will go to pure land after death and will bless by Buddha. Also, under the trust to guru’s belief, Tibetan Buddhists can re-evaluate, change, and repair the relationship between themselves and relatives.
C. Lamas and fellow students in temple or center would follow guru’s guide to arrange funeral ceremony and to settle lost feelings for those Tibetan Buddhist who lost family member. These helpers form together as a supportive group, which brings recovering power to those bereaved.
D. The funeral ceremony in Tibetan Buddhism can absorb and combine Taiwan’s tradition. Feeling the mercy, harmony and containing attitude in Tibetan Buddhism, those bereaved can also learn to be flexible and open-minded.
E. The concept of “living is like death” makes bereaved Tibetan Buddhists accept death in open mind, and adjust themselves in more positive way, so Tibetan Buddhists get better recovery in mourning process.
Finally, according to the research result above, this thesis might provide further research as a reference. Also, hope the suggestions might be the reminder and foundation on counseling profession’s work. |