The color is inextricably linked with our lives, usually used in a variety of areas, such as textile, building and art. And the feeling of human to color or color combination is the color image. Various investigations on color image have been completed by many researchers since forty years age. Meanwhile, color harmony is the cheerful feeling of human made by a color combination with two or more colors frequently used in our life, and also have been systematically discussed for more than half one century. However, so far, the still exists no accurate and quantitative model for predicting color image or color harmony.
Therefore, two kinds of psychophysical experiments were conducted using 186 fashion apparel images for investigating color image and color harmony respectively, And the experimental results were used to derive psychophysical color-image and color-harmony scales. Furthermore, the experimental visual data were also employed to estimate the performance of various to well-known color-image and color-harmony models in predicting visual color image and color harmony respectively.
The results indicate that the effect of color harmony is significant. In addition, visual color image have a good relativity to visual color harmony, moreover, the universal model the Kuo and the color-harmony model the Ou have better performance in predicting visual color image and visual color harmony than the color-image model the Ou and the color-harmony model the Szabo respectively. However, this finding may also imply that a more accurate color-harmony estimating model still needs to be developed for the fashion apparels with multiple-color combinations. Finally, it is one of the most important works of the authors in the near future.