摘要: | 本論文主旨是以國際關係建構主義理論(constructivism)為研究途徑,探討台灣《聯合報》與《自由時報》兩大報在李登輝提出兩國論至馬英九執政一年之後,對於中國大陸國家形象建構的情形(1999-2009)。
經本研究以內容分析(content analysis)與批判論述分析(critical discourse analysis)等研究方法進行研究,研究結果發現兩大報對於中國大陸與兩岸新聞的報導上,《聯合報》在報導上皆視中國大陸為競爭稍偏朋友的形象與關係;《自由時報》則視敵人的形象與關係。不論「敵人」或「朋友」形象,都源自於兩大報的各自理念,進而建構了行為主體(agent)的身分和認同,並與身分和認同一起共同塑造國家利益、意識型態和價值觀。這些意識型態和價值觀同時也不斷被它們強化,在經過兩岸關係一系列的事件和事件累積的效應與互動過程中,進一步形成台灣民眾對中國大陸「共有的理念」(shared ideas)與「共有的知識」(shared knowledge)。經強化與固化後,他們的「集體認同」(collective identity)會視中國大陸為友好的國家,對手或朋友的形象;反之視中國大陸為不友好或敵人的形象。而共有的理念會成為國家利益的導向,產生了溫特(Alexander Wendt)所說的霍布斯文化、洛克文化和康德文化的無政府文化的結構,也說明了媒體在建構主義國內層次的作用。因此,本研究認為以國際關係建構主義理論來解釋媒體對於國家形象的建構,頗具說服力。
This dissertation explores Taiwan's media influence on the shaping of China's national image using research approach "the Constructivism in International Relations." on two major newspapers - the United Daily and the Liberty Times. The period of research spans across Taiwan's President Lee Teng-hui's initial proposal of the Two-Nation theory to President Ma Ying-jeou's first year of presidency (1999-2009).
The purpose of this research is to determine the propelling factors behind the Taiwan's two major newspaper in the shaping of China's national image, to decide whether it is solely based on the two media's own ideas and social consciousness, or based on external factors, such as the Cross-Strait policy or the international views upon China? During China's national identity formation process, according to the National Relations Constructivism theory, did the images of "enmity", "friendship" or "rivalry" of China play a crucial factor in domestic Taiwan?
Based on research methods of content analysis and critical discourse analysis, the results indicate that the two major Taiwanese newspapers have different approaches in reporting news regarding mainland China and events related to the Cross-Strait issues. The United Daily identified China with an image of "competitive" or "friendship", while "the Liberty Daily" identified China more with an "image of enmity." Based on these "images" that originated from the two major newspapers' own ideas, an identity was formed on "the agent," and an identity was cast on China; together with these identities, the Taiwanese shaped their national view points, ideology, and value system.
At the same time, the ideology and values were continuously strengthened by the "images" of mainland China through a series of Cross-Strait policy events, relevant effects, and interactions. Taiwanese people further developed "shared ideas" and "shared knowledge" toward mainland China. With repeated strengthening and solidifying, the Taiwanese have formed a "collective identity" about China, either as a country of friendliness, rivalry, an image of a friend, or an image of enemy if the collective identity is negative. These shared ideas will guide Taiwan's national value. According to Alexander Wendt, therein gave generates to the Habbisian Culture, the Lockean Culture, and also the Kantian Culture's structure of the culture of anarchy. The generates of these cultures demonstrate the prominent functionality of the media has on a nation's domestic level's constructivism. Therefore, to explain the media influence on a nation's construction based on the Constructivism of International Relations Theory is a rather convincing approach. |