The purposes of this proposed research are triples. One is to incorporate urban crowding into household utility function, and then build a neoclassic urban model with crowding enable to analyze the effects of the urban crowding on housing rent (or housing price), housing consumption, household density distribution, housing structure distribution and the size of the city. Two is to employ the housing transaction data including housing price, housing internal and external characteristics, and various constructs of urban crowding to estimate both tradition hedonic price model and the spatial hedonic price model so as to empirically test the effects of the urban crowding on housing price and housing consumption. Three is to empirically test the crowding mediation mechanism of urban household. The urban crowding model is constructed by extending the urban residential density model by Yang (1992).Urban crowding is defined as a function of housing stock or population with spillover effects. The general equilibrium conditions will be derived and the analytical solution will be obtained, otherwise, the comparative analysis or numerical analysis techniques are to be employed. Tradition hedonic pricing model is to be estimated by regression technique, while the spatial hedonic model is to be estimated by employing the geographic weighted regression technique. To test the crowding mediation mechanism of urban household, the regression technique is again to be employed to estimate the marginal substitutions of urban crowing and housing consumption.