源於目前全球文化創意產業蓬勃發展,有助於帶動無煙囪及高價值的經濟成長、推動產業升級與轉型,進而拓展城市行銷,提高國際能見度,且可作為推動都市再生與地方經濟活化的策略,日前行政院已於2009 年將文化創意產業定位為我國六大新興產業之一,並將設置文化創意產業園區視為文創產業環境整備之重點項目。然而政府目前並未針對文化創意園區之設置依據與發展內涵進行審慎評估及相關研究,僅以閒置空間轉型利用為主軸設立五大文化創意產業園區,可能將承擔未知之政策風險。因此本研究意欲應用模糊德爾菲(Fuzzy Delphi Method) 之專家群體決策系統,建立國內文化創意產業園區之設置指標體系,並以桃園縣為應用實例,透過上述指標以分析網絡程序(Analytic Network Process,ANP)法進行桃園縣應發展之文化創意產業園區型態研究。
Cultural creative industries are highly and quickly developed worldwide so that the there are many existing industries which are successfully promoted. Because of the success of urban marketing, the cultural creative industry enhances the international visibility and becomes one of the strategies for urban and industry renew. At present, Executive Yuan in Taiwan has determined the cultural creative industry as one of six emerging industries. The main target is to establish cultural creative industry park for the enhancement of industry development and marketing. However, it seems that there is a dearth of information on the site determinations and development contents. The related research is less and detailed evaluation is unseen. The government only establishes 5 locations as the launching site of cultural creative industry. This decision may carry the high level of policy risk due to the regardless of industry analysis. The current investigation endeavours to develop the evaluation parameters for the site and direction determinations of cultural creative industries by means of FDM. After the development of evaluation parameters, the policy of Taoyuan county will be studied based on the previous results by the use of ANP.