顧客賦權與購後後悔關係之研究 The Relationship between Customer Empowerment and Post-purchase Regret 晚近新產品開發的新典範(paradigm)是讓消費者直接參與新產品開發的所有過程,並將決定 權賦予消費者,包括產品概念的發起、篩選、產品測試、及成品是否上市等之決策,此一典範稱 為顧客賦權。顧客賦權策略不僅可以使被賦權的消費者對其參與決策的產品產生心理所有權,亦 會使其對該產品有較高的需求。然而綜觀現有與顧客賦權相關之文獻,大多都僅探討顧客賦權策 略對於消費者實際購買行為發生前的影響,如信任與承諾(trust and commitment)、心理所有權與消 費者購買意圖(purchase intention)、顧客導向認知與行為意圖等之影響,卻鮮少探討對消費者在賦 權策略下之實際購買後的影響。 顧客購買後才是顧客關係的開始,如何把短暫的交易關係轉換為與顧客維持長期的關係是行 銷人員應該關注的問題,而顧客滿意的購買經驗是影響顧客之再購意願的關鍵因素之一。多數學 者認為後悔是滿意的前置因素,會直接負向地影響滿意,並且會正向地影響轉換意圖。 本研究基於文獻探討發現,當顧客透過參與決策的過程以擁有最終產品上市的決定權時,會 提高自己對於產品的責任感,而責任感又與後悔呈現密不可分的關係。因此,本研究認為顧客賦 權策略與購後後悔之間在邏輯上具有相關性。 本研究擬以總部位於美國Chicago之Threadless流行服飾公司的產品作為研究客體,以中國 文化大學商學院五個碩士班修習行銷研究課程之學生為研究實驗對象,以4 (賦權:完全賦權、賦 權選擇、賦權創造、零賦權)x 2 (合理性:決策理由之合理性強、決策理由之合理性弱)之組間設 計(between-group design),採行結構式問卷來蒐集資料,以檢定假設。最後,針對研究結果提出 理論與管理上之含意。 The Relationship between Customer Empowerment and Post-purchase Regret The latest paradigm for new product development is customer empowerment. Customer empowerment allows customer to involve in the product innovation process from the very beginning stage of idea creation to decisions on the final products that are going to the shelves. Customer empowerment not only causes psychological ownership of empowered customers, but also increases empowered customers’ demand for the product so created. Existing literature on the effects of customer empowerment mainly focus on pre-purchase variables, such as trust, commitment, psychological ownership, purchase intention and perceived customer orientation. Little attention has been paid to its effects on post-purchase behaviors. Buying is the starting point of customer relationship, and post-purchase satisfaction is the key factor of repurchase intention. It is well documented that post-purchase regret is an antecedent of satisfaction. Post-purchase regret is negatively related to satisfaction, and positively related to brand switch. Based on existing literature, since customer empowerment leads to customers’ perceived responsibility for products and perceived responsibility in turn is related post-purchase regret, we initially infer that customer empowerment is positively related to post-purchase regret. This study intends to use the products of Threadless as objects. Threadless is a Chicago-based fashion label (founded in 2000) which is well-known for their hip T-shirts. Graduate students of college of business at Chinese Culture University will be participants. The research design will be a 4 (customer empowerment: full empowerment, empowerment to select, empowerment to create, zero empowerment) X 2 (justifiability: strong, weak) between-group design. Self-administered structured questionnaires will be used. We will empirically investigate the research hypothesis and discuss the theoretical and practical implications of research results.