瞭解桃園三號草苺花芽形成及走莖產生之光週需求,以作為建立培育適合早期產量高之育苗體系的基礎。本年度利用暗中斷建立草苺苗繁殖系統,試驗包括(1)苗大小與暗中斷對草苺生育之影響。(2)不同時期暗中斷對草苺走莖形成之影響。試驗結果如下:(1)冠徑0.8cm以上之草苺穴植管苗,運用暗中斷控制暗期7 hr 之處理萌出花序最早,冠徑0.8cm下之小苗,則產生較多的走莖苗。(2)田間育苗時分A、B、C三時期(5/25,6/15,7/5)夜間點燈中斷暗期,使暗期短於7小時,至8月下旬終止暗中斷處理,調查草苺母株產生走莖數及走莖苗數,結果顯示 A處理產生較多之走莖苗數,與C及對照D處理差異達顯著水準,A處理同時有較高之大苗比例可獲得最高之大苗數,B與C處理次之,三處理均與對照達差異顯著水準。
The experiments was conducted to understand the photoperiodism requirement of Taoyung No. 3 strawberry. Two experiments were conducted. Experiment 1. The effect of night interruption and runner size on flowering and runner production of Taoyuan No. 3 strawberry. Experiment 2.The effect of night interruption on runner formation of strawberry at different stage. The result showed as following. (1) The runner plant with larger crown diameter (more than 0.8 cm) with 7 hr dark period treatment had early inflorescences production and highest accumulated inflorscences. The runner plant with smaller crown diameter (less than 0.8 cm) with 7 hr dark period treatment had the highest runner production. (2) The night interruption was held in 5/25(treatment A), 6/15(treatment B) and 7/5(treatment C) by lighting in the midnight to make the dard period less than 7 hr. The night interruption begining in 5/25 had the highest runner plantlet and hightest ratio of large plantlet (crown diameter is larger than 0.8 mm), this result should be a useful data for strawberry nurseries to produce high quality strawberry plants.