摘要: | 本研究係三年期整合型計畫《教育研究機構、研究政策、品質指標建構及其與教育 實務關係之國際比較與我國現況的檢討與改進》的子計畫之ㄧ。本子計畫第一年為區 域研究,先針對歐盟在官方教育研究機構、民間教育研究機構、大學教育相關系所及 大學附設教育研究單位、教育研究政策、教育研究品質指標、教育研究審查與考核機 制、教育研究人員評鑑與升等以及教育研究人力培育機制等八個面向之教育研究基礎 建設的發展與現況予以分析探討;其次第二年為比較研究中的主題研究,根據第一年 各國或國際組織之研究成果,對於各國或國際組織之官方教育研究機構進行比較研 究;最後第三年則根據國際比較結果,評估我國官方教育研究機構的現況與發展。為 達上述研究目的,本研究採用歷史研究法、文件檔案分析、實地訪談法、比較研究法 以及焦點團體等方法,研究成果可提供相關機構未來評估與規劃的參考。 This three-year research is a sub-project of integrated study on education research super- & infra-structure with international comparison. This research not only focused on the history and present condition of education research super- & infra-structure in European Union, and from the point view of comparative education, the research also make a comparison of the roles, functions, statutory missions, and effectiveness of the official education research organizations in various of countries, international organizations and Taiwan. The three-year research project will be conducted by the following methods. They are history research, document analysis, interview, comparative study and focus group. Objectives for this research project are: 1)The objective of first-year is to focus on the regional research of the history, development trends and present condition of education research super- & infra-structure in European Union; 2)The second-year, based on the results of regional research in eight countries and international organizations of first-year, the research objective is to compare the roles, functions, statutory missions, and effectiveness of the official education research organizations in different countries and international organizations; 3)The third-year research objective is to focus on the roles, functions, pros and cons, statutory missions, effectiveness and development trend of official education research organizations in Taiwan. The result of this research can be used as reference and guidelines for the reflexion and planning of official education research organizations in Taiwan. |