灣缺乏適用於國小中低年級兒童,具有實證性信效度資料支持的兒童自我概 念自陳量表,目前發展此類量表最大的限制是受測兒童的文字閱讀能力及認知發展 限制,電腦遊戲形式的量表可以克服這個限制。本研究主要目的為編製較年幼國小 兒童自我概念量表,將其發展為電腦遊戲形式,並以台灣共1200名一至四年級兒 童之施測結果來檢測紙筆及電腦遊戲形式量表的内部一致性、折半信度、及重測信 度。效度部分,除專家表面效度及因素分析外,將邀請老師及家長填寫行為與情緒 評量表,以此為效標來驗證同時效度。聚斂效度則以國小兒童自我概念量表檢測 之。本研究並將檢驗電腦遊戲形式與傳統紙筆測驗信效度之差異,檢驗建構於本土 文化基礎上、自編兒童自我概念量表之信效度。 Currently, there is no self reported children’s self concept scale with sound reliability and validity for children under 10 years old in Taiwan. The biggest limitation for developing this type of measurement is that children under 10 have more limited reading capability and cognitive development. However, a computer-game based scale may overcome these limitations. The main purpose of this research is to develop a localized children’s self concept scale in order to accommodate cultural differences. This scale will be created in a computer-game based format. Both pencil-paper and computer-game based scales will be examined in terms of their internal consistency, split-half reliability, and test-retest reliability. Four kinds of validity: factor analysis, content validity, criterion-related validity, and convergent validity will also be examined. In addition, the researchers will compare the reliability and validity of the computer-game based scale to the paper-pencil edition and will determine these scales’ applicability for children in Taiwan.