研究計畫擬探討勞工退休金制度的變革對台灣勞動市場的影響。舊的勞工退休制度建立在勞動基準法上,於1984 年7 月開始實施,而新的勞工退休制度(即勞退新制) 則根據勞工退休金條例,於2005 年7 月開始實施。其中比較重要的變革包括採行可攜式工作年資、確定提撥制、與可請領月退休金。一般預期新制可增加勞動市場的彈性,提高勞動生產力。本計畫將分別從勞動供給面與勞動需求面,探討勞工退休金制度變革所帶來的影響,實證資料將取自主計處人力運用調查、工商普查、與受僱員工薪資等調查資料。(1) 在勞動供給面,由於不同族群可能受到不同的影響,當廠商雇用成本提高,勞動需求減少時,一般預期勞動供給彈性較小的族群(例如,男性與青壯年),其影響主要是工資的調降,就業量的調整可能較少。(2) 在勞動需求面,由於不同產業、不同廠商規模可能面對不同勞動需求的工資彈性,勞退新制實施的影響將因產業或廠商規模而異。例如: 勞動需求彈性較小的產業,當勞動需求下降時,其工資與就業量的向下調整程度可能較少。本計畫將先從勞動供給面估計不同性別、教育別、年齡別的勞動供給工資彈性,藉以衡量各族群受到的影響之差異,究竟是以工資的調整或以就業量的調整為主。其次,從勞動需求面估計不同產業、不同廠商規模的勞動需求的工資彈性,藉以衡量各產業受到的影響之差異。最後,評估勞退新制的政策效果,藉由比較勞退新制實施前與實施後的就業量與勞工流動率之變化,是否如一般的預期:新制可增加勞動市場的彈性。
This research project intends to examine the impact of Labor Pension Act upon Taiwan’s labor market. The major reforms on Labor Pension Act include the adoptions of portable work experience, the defined contribution plan, and the monthly retirement benefit. It is expected that Labor Pension Act would be able to raise the flexibility of Taiwan’s labor market. First, we would like to estimate the wage elasticity of labor supply by gender, education, and age groups. Based on the estimation results, we will be able to identify those groups who are affected most by the enactment of Labor Pension Act and the ways they are affected. Next, we will estimate the wage elasticity of labor demand by industry and firm size. Then, we can find out the most affected industries. Finally, we will test if the enactment of Labor Pension Act has increased the flexibility of Taiwan’s labor market by employing the method of difference-in-differences.