摘要: | 全球經濟結構改變,讓製造業轉型與高值化成為許多政府與企業關注的焦點;尤其,在創新、永續等思維的抑注下,2.5級產業及製造服務化(Servitization)的想法,更成為業者與學界同樣重視的跨領域課題。大體而言,雖然服務化領域已發展超過二十年,並已累積許多成功案例及發展模式與架構,但是,製造業成功轉型或達陣的比例仍低、探究背後原因與提出建議之研究仍為數甚少;此外,雖然現有文獻對服務化之探索涵蓋多元領域視角,並點出資訊科技(IT)的重要性,唯尚無研究從科技促動之企業轉型與創新角度進行此議題的探究。為協助彌平此研究缺口,本研究期從科技致能(IT-enabled)觀點出發,結合科技化服務模式與多角化理論,利用抽樣設計,針對具代表性的國外(被報導之次級案例)及台灣(包括申請業界科專及被報導的業者)業者各20家,藉由內容分析(輔以個案訪談),解析服務化的發展模式與成效,暨資訊科技的角色與影響;此外,再參酌策略調校模型,推導提高製造業服務化發展成效的可能路徑與架構。在預期貢獻上,除解析服務化的發展模式外,本研究希望進一步從科技致能觀點提出製造服務化之模式與成效(暨資訊科技之角色與影響)的對應研究命題,並據此研提台灣發展服務化的模式與推動策略建議。
The coming of service economy helps raise the issue of transformation and value-add of manufacturing industries. It is particularly true as innovation and sustainability being recognized by leading companies. It follows that the concept of servitization has been regarded as an important, cross-discipline topic for both practitioners and academia. Fairly speaking, the issue of servitization has been studied for at least 20 years, with rich representative cases, typology and frameworks spotlighted. However, the rate of successful servitization is still far under expectation. In addition, it is surprisingly found that, limited number of research has paid its attention to the reasons behind this fact. What is worse, although the role of IT, which is pointed out a key player for enabling successful servitization, has been addressed, there is almost none study exploring the issue of servitization from the viewpoint of technology-enabling innovation or IT-enabled business transformation. To fill the research gap, this study explores servitization through IT-enabled perspective. The author is going to analyze 40 representative cases benefit from servitization, by using the typology of IT-enabled services and the model of strategies on diversification. The patterns and performance of servitization, together with the role and impact of IT, are all covered. Finally, this study will try to deploy a framework and its corresponding routes for successful IT-enabled servitization based on the strategic alignment model. With regard to the final outcome, in addition to the modes and performance of servitization, this study will pay more attention to identifying key patterns and impacts of for IT-enabled servitization. In the end, this study will also try to make a proposal in terms of how to foster servitization from a government’s perspective. |