本研究期待檢驗《京都議定書》清潔發展機制的永續發展績效。亦即運用次級資料釐清清潔發展機制計畫的實施,是否滿足《京都議定書》第十二條的規範,達成協助非《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》附件一締約方實現永續發展的運作目的,來解答以下研究問題:第一,非《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》附件一締約國所申報的清潔發展機制計畫個數,會對這些國家的永續發展程度,產生何種影響效果?第二,非《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》附件一締約國所申報的清潔發展機制計畫在能源產業、能源配置、能源需求、製造產業、化學產業、建設、運輸、礦業/礦物生產、金屬生產、燃料的飛逸性排放、鹵化碳與硫磺六氟化合物生產與消費的飛逸性排放、溶劑使用、廢棄物處理與處置、造林與重新造林、農業等15 種產業領域的分佈個數,會對這些國家的永續發展程度,產生何種影響效果?非《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》附件一締約國的永續發展程度,是否會因為這些國家所申報的清潔發展機制計畫來自不同的產業領域,而有所差異?第三,非《聯合國氣候變化綱要公約》附件一締約國因申報清潔發展機制計畫而核發出的溫室氣體減量證明個數,會對這些國家的永續發展程度,產生何種影響效果?本研究的成果有助理解清潔發展機制對特定國家生態、經濟與社會要素的永續發展績效的影響效果,為減緩全球氣候變化略盡心力。
The present research intends to explore the affections of Clean Development Mechanism participation of Non-Annex I countries of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to their sustainable development performance by secondary data analysis method. The research questions are as follows: 1.What are the affections of Clean Development Mechanism project registration number of Non-Annex I countries of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to their sustainable development? 2.What are the dissimilarities of varied Clean Development Mechanism project registration area of Non-Annex I countries of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to their sustainable development? 3.What are the affections of certified emission reductions issued by Non-Annex I countries of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to their sustainable development? The research findings contribute to the mitigation of global climate change through the interpretation of affections of Clean Development Mechanism participation of specific countries of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change to their sustainable development performance upon ecology, economy and society.