The semiconductor and thin-film-transistor-liquid-crystal-display (TFT-LCD) industries widely value Automatic Virtual Metrology System (AVMS). AVMS needs to handle a large volume of VM-related data, which may cause poor internal database performance. In general, AVMS adopts efficient but expensive commercial database management systems (DBMSs) to yield good AVMS performance. This usually makes the AVMS construction cost very high. Therefore, the industries require a novel AVMS architecture with lower cost and greater efficiency in database. This paper proposes a novel AVMS architecture based on Main Memory Database (MMDB) technology. Specifically, the MMDB is used to improve the performance bottlenecks of the current Disk Resident Database (DRDB). Also, we design automatic data-backup and automatic data-query sources integration mechanisms to effectively relieve rapidly increased data volume in the original AVMS architecture. In addition, the novel AVMS architecture adopts a free commercial MMDB to significantly reduce total system cost. Integrated testing results show that the proposed AVMS architecture and developed technologies can enable the AVMS to have better data-storage efficiency, superior data-query performance, and lower database cost. The proposed AVMS architecture and research results in this paper can be a useful reference for TFT-LCD manufacturing companies in constructing their own AVM systems. The proposed AVMS architecture can also be applied in the semiconductor and solar-cell industries. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.