摘要: | 國內有關自我概念的研究甚多,但多半是以國小以下的兒童為研究對象,以高中職學生為研究對象的研究則較少,青少年階段尚在求學的階段,每天接觸到的場域不外乎是家庭、學校、補習班,故在此階段最頻繁的互動關係是發生在家庭和同儕之中,也就是說對青少年而言,與他們有密切相關的社會互動就是來自家庭與同儕,自我概念對於青少年未來的人格發展甚至對於未來的人生方向也有不可輕忽的影響,因此,本研究以正值青少年階段的高職學生為研究對象,探究親子互動與同儕互動對於青少年自我概念形成之影響因素,以期有效幫助青少年形成良好的自我概念。本研究旨在了解私立高職青少年自我概念之現況,並考驗不同個人基本變項在自我概念之差異情形及親子互動、同儕互動與自我概念間之相關性。
There are so many domestic researches on Self-Concept. The subjects of the researches mostly focus on the pupils or children of pre-school age. Yet, the subjects focusing on students in ordinary high schools or in vocational high schools are rare.
During school days, teenagers’ daily living places are nothing more than their homes, schools, or cram schools. In this learning stage the interactions with so-called society occur most frequently in their family members and peers.
In other words, to those teenagers the close-relevant social interactions come from their dealing with their family members and peers.
Besides, we can not ignore that self-concept plays a great role on the development of their personalities and their future lives.
Therefore, the subjects of the research are teenager students randomly sampled from private vocational high schools in Taipei County. By probing how the two factors, parents-child interaction and peer-interaction, influence the forming of their self-concept; we hope to help them shape a better self-concept.
The purpose of the study is to look into the present state of the self-concept of teenager students chosen from private vocational high schools. With the same samples, we also check the discrepancy under some different given variables. And the correlation among parents-child interaction, peer- interaction, and self concept is one of the focuses of the study as well.
The subjects of the research are 699 students randomly sampled from vocational high schools in Taipei County. Parents-Child Interaction Scales, Peer- Interactive Scales, and Tennessee Self Concept Scale are adopted as tools for the research. For statistic analysis, Percentages, Frequency Distribution, T-Test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe' Posterior Comparisons, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis are adopted as well. The results are---
Because the students in private vocational high schools in Taipei County would sense that the importance of them in the existing society is quite different from other people the research found a noticeable discrepancy of parents-child interaction and peer-interaction in all their aspects.
In all its aspects of the peer interaction of female students in private vocational high schools in Taipei County is higher than that of male students.
In all its aspects of self-concept of male students in private vocational high schools in Taipei County is higher than that of female students.
From the research, we found that the positive correlation exists between parents-child interaction and peer-interaction. The same result also exists between peer- interaction and self concept.
Two variables, parents-child interaction and peer interaction, can be used to predict the self concept. |