網際網路的盛行,讓以網路為媒介所舉辦的競賽活動有日漸增多的趨勢,由於參賽人數眾多,其公帄性與評比方式,仍有很大的改善空間,目前與網路競賽相關之研究,多數集中於網路評分管理帄台的建置,以及參賽的動機與態度之探討,因此本研究進行網路競賽活動的個案研究,分析研究個案中參賽者所關心的問題以及評比方式,其研究內容包含:(1) 網頁資訊說明問題 (2)驗證信問題 (3)部落格貼紙問題 (4)互評問題 (5)資料查詢與修改問題,並提出改善建議讓主辦單位參考,促使網路競賽舉辦更周整完備,並持續追蹤過去得獎參賽者部落格,了解其後續發展情形。
Due to the increasing numbers of internet users. Holding competitions on the internet have dramatically become more and more popular throughout these years. Because there are numerous participants. The judgment methods and fairness still have room for improvement. Current, literatures related with internet competition focus on the research of the establishment of network rating management and, motivation and attitude of the participants. Therefore, this study would like to conduct a research of case studies in issues of concern to participants and the rating method : (1) Description of Page information problem (2) Verification letter problem (3) Blog sticker Problem (4) Fairness Rating problem (5) The problem of Data query and Data modify. Recommendations for improvement to the organizers refer to promote a more comprehensive and well organized Internet competition, and keep track of past winning bloggers about the development of its follow-up case.