This study explores the relationship among the Tourism Image, Situational Attractiveness, Satisfaction and the Revisiting Willingness of those tourists from mainland China to Taipei’s International Tourism Night Market. A questionnaire survey technique was used for this study, 477 effective responses were received from total of 580 distributed questionnaires. With the help of SPSS (v19.0) statistical software analysis, the result suggests that the tourists from mainland China impress with the Image of Taipei’s International Tourism Night Market, and especially appreciate with the Night Market Features. Overall, the tourists from mainland China impress with the image of Taipei Tourism Night Market, most of them satisfy with the night market group tour itinerary arrangement and are tend to revisit or make a recommendation. The survey further discovers that that is a positive correlation between the Tourism Image, Situational Attractiveness, Satisfaction and the Revisiting Willingness, though the individual character affects its significant level. Furthermore, the Satisfaction is a bridging factor to the Tourism Image, Situational Attractiveness and Revisiting Willingness. The good Tourism Image and Situational Attractiveness would result a positive Satisfaction and Revisiting Willingness. Findings of this study should be considered by the relevant government organizations.
Keywords: night market, tourism image, situational attractiveness, satisfaction,
revisiting willingnes.