摘要: | 本研究旨在探討大學舞蹈教師情緒管理之研究,目的在於透過質性研究以探討教師在實際教學過程中,面臨的壓力問題為何?面對教學遭遇的困難,教師要如何調適情緒並改變教學方式,以及面對學生時,教師的情緒轉變之情形,進而提供教師良好情緒管理建議,以提升教學品質與教學成效。
一、 大學舞蹈教師對情緒管理所採取的因應方式分為「情緒來源轉變情形」、「情緒管理之轉變情形」、「情緒管理因應方式」三個面向。
This study aimed to explore the dance teacher emotional management, through the implementation of research aimed to explore the teachers in the actual teaching process, the pressure problems are? Encountered the difficulties of teaching, how teachers adapt to changes in mood and teaching methods, and the face of students, teachers, changing the mood of the situation, thus providing good teachers, emotional management recommendations to improve teaching quality and teaching effectiveness.
This study used qualitative research, through observation, interviews, gather information to achieves the research the goal, subjects were three Teachers of Chinese Culture University Department of Dance, research tools included questionnaires, voice recorder, the results are as follows:
1. The university dances the teacher to adopt to the emotional management in accordance to the way is Emotional source of changes in circumstances, emotional management of changes in circumstances Emotional management faces in accordance to, these three kinds way.
2. Emotion management with different capacities of teachers, whose pressure adjustment of status is also different.
3. Emotion management higher overall performance of the dance teacher, in the "optimistic" and "achievements" and other aspects of performance will be higher.
Emotion management in the boundary of the dance teacher to "ego emotion recognition" and "emotions in control", "motivation" and "interpersonal adjustment", such as levels for teaching help has significant influence.
Key words: Dance, Dance teacher in the University, Emotional Management |