摘要: | 摘要
本研究目的在探討從事專項核心肌力訓練八週後,對保齡球選手之軀幹肌耐力與身體、擲球穩定度的影響。方法是以13位台中市某高級商業職業學校保齡球選手為研究對象,前測完成後將13位選手隨機分成專項核心肌力訓練組(CTG,N=7,平均年齡16.57 ± 1.27歲,身高167.14 ± 7.20公分,體重58.23 ± 9.73公分)及一般體能訓練組(GTG,N=6,平均年齡16.17 ± 1.47歲,身高168.17 ± 8.30公分,體重57.68 ± 11.45公斤),並進行為期8週、每週3次、每次60分鐘之專項核心肌力訓練課程或一般體能訓練課程;再於8週後施予後測。所得數據以混合設計二因子變異數分析法,分析不同訓練方式對軀幹肌肉量、軀幹肌耐力、身體穩定度及120球投擲穩定度測驗之影響。以α= .05為顯著水準。其研究結果如下:於8週專項核心肌力訓練後,選手軀幹肌肉量平均值為21.27 ± 4.73 kg、腰伸展疲勞指數28.29 ± 8.56 %、腰屈曲疲勞指數20.86 ± 7.11%、星型離散平衡測試值494.23 ± 17.02 %、修正之巴斯動態平衡測驗值98.57 ± 2.09分及120球投擲穩定度測驗值67.43 ± 12.67球,皆有顯著進步(p<.05);而一般體能訓練組組內未達顯著差異;且二組間亦無顯著差異存在。結論:本研究之8週專項核心肌力訓練可以顯著提升保齡球選手之軀幹肌肉量、軀幹肌耐力、身體穩定度及投擲穩定度,進而提升保齡球選手之運動表現。
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of an 8-week specific bowling core strength training on trunk muscle endurance, body and throwing stability in tenpin bowling athletes. Thirteen commercial high school bowling athletes were randomly assigned into CTG(specific core muscle training group, N=7, aged: 16.57 ± 1.27yr, height: 167.14 ± 7.20cm, weight: 58.23 ± 9.73kg)and GTG(general physical training group, N=6, aged: 16.17 ± 1.47yr, heigh: 168.17 ± 8.30cm, weight: 57.68 ± 11.45kg). Both groups received three 60-min training sessions per week for 8 weeks. Pre and post test were carried out before and after an 8-week specific core muscle training or general physical training. Two-way ANOVA was used to compare the effects of different training programs on trunk muscle mass, body stability and 120 ball throwing test. The significant level was set at α=.05. The results revealed that after an 8-week specific bowling core strength training, trunk muscle mass: 21.27 ± 4.73 kg, trunk extension fatigue index 28.29 ± 8.56 %, trunk flexion fatigue index 20.86 ± 7.11%, star excursion balance test 494.23 ± 17.02 %, modified bass dynamic balance test 98.57 ± 2.09 points and 120 ball throwing test 67.43 ± 12.67 times, there was significant difference existed in CTG (p< .05); there are no significant difference existed in GTG (p> .05); no significant difference was found between CTG and GTG (p> .05). In conclusion, an 8-week specific bowling core strength training can increase trunk muscle mass, decrease trunk extension fatigue index and trunk flexion fatigue index, enhance body stability and throwing stability, may be beneficial for improving bowling athletes’ sports performance. |