本研究是關於電子書(eBook)的消費者研究,研究者的動機是基於電子書閱讀器於國內外的推行,再次帶動電子書閱讀熱潮,因此目前台灣各家出版社相繼拓展電子書版圖,但根據財團法人資訊工業策進會(Foreseeing Innovative New Digiservices)在2010年9月對台灣電子書消費者所做的調查發現,台灣民眾在電子書服務認知度部分,只有近六成五民眾聽過電子書,但並沒有使用過。也就是說,電子書的使用程度在台灣並不普遍,究竟消費者不採用電子書的因素為何,本研究選擇質化訪談的實證資料分析,採用Ram and Sheth(1989)的理論為核心,找出電子書的消費者/非消費者對電子書創新科技的抵制因素。
This study is about consumer's resistance to eBook. The motivation of the researcher implemented of domestic and the international eBook reader, once again led the eBook reader by fever. According to survey by Taiwan's eBook consumers found that nearly 65% of the Taiwanese people only heard of eBooks but have never used it. In the other words, the extent of the use of eBook does not achieve critical mass in Taiwan. Why consumers do not use eBook and the factors of their resistance to the innovative technology are the purposes of the thesis. I discussed non-eBook users' perceptions of the technology, and used Ram and Sheth (1989) theory as the core framework to explore eBooks non-eBook users' resistance toward it.
This study used focus group method, and collected empirical data from non-eBook users from various backgrounds. The research found the following outcomes. Firstly, eBook resistant users recognized eBook from three major concepts: eBook as an electronic hardware devices, eBook as digital forms of book, and eBook as both hardware and software. Different recognitions of eBook will yield different resistant attitudes toward eBook usages.
Secondly, most of the consumers prefer to read paper based book and refuse eBook because they do not have to adapt new technology system and devices which might increase certain risk. Some non-eBook consumers do not rule out exposure to eBook innovation, but blame for the functional aspects of eBook to be one of the reasons of eBook resistance. Additionally, even the development of eBook technologies has lower the technological barriers for the consumers, purchasing hardware devices of eBook still cause problems from economic aspect of resistance.
Finally, eBook platform and content seem to be significant issues for the consumers. The non-eBook consumers of this study emphasize that a further unification of the format of eBook content provided by the different bookstores will be another dimensions which influence their future decisions of adopting eBook.
To sum up, this study gives eBook industry a picture of Taiwanese non-eBook users and their consumption behavior. Obviously, the diffusion of eBook innovative devices in Taiwan has transcended the software domain, the way of promoting eBook will be a further integration of different digital formats of software and content across different hardware devices of eBook.