摘要: | 本研究為探討工會成員之人格特質、領導型態、組織氣候與組織效能間之關係,並以變異數分析不同之人口背景變項對於此四構面之影響,其次以相關分析探討各變項間是否具有正向之關係存在,接著透過迴歸分析探討其間之因果關係,以及驗證變項之中介效果是否存在。本研究以經濟部所屬北部地區之事業單位的工會為本研究之對象,包括台灣電力公司、台灣自來水公司以及台灣中油股份有限公司,探討此四構面之相互關係。並採用問卷調查法,於2011年8月底到10月,發放500份問卷,共回收問卷406份問卷,問卷回收率為81.2%。經由篩選填答不完整及無效之問卷後合計為313份,有效問卷回收率為62.6%。
This study is researching the relationships among personality traits, leadership styles, organizational climate and organizational effectiveness of the employees of union. I am doing this research by analyzing different demographic variables for these four dimensions and by analyzing correlations to between the positive effects relationships among the variables. Finally, this research employed the regression analysis to explore the causal relationships among the variables and to test the mediator effect of the leadership styles and organizational climate; it was conducted through the questionnaire survey for the Ministry of Economic Affairs, which included Taiwan power company, Taiwan water corporation and CPC corporation, Taiwan in the north area.
The research found out that demographic variables for these four dimensions have partial significance among different demographic variables; the demographic variables include sex, age, education, marital status, union seniority, position in the union. In addition, through the statistical analysis we found that the personality traits have significantly positive effect on leadership styles, organizational climate and organizational effectiveness. Second, the leadership styles have significantly positive effect on organizational climate and organizational effectiveness. Third, the organizational climate has significant positive effect on organizational effectiveness. Fourth, leadership styles play the vital mediating role in the relationship between personality traits and organizational climate. At last, organizational climate plays the crucial mediating role in the relationship between leadership styles and organizational effectiveness. Finally, practical implications and suggestions for future research are provided. |