摘要: | 隨著時間環境的遷移與遞增,水泥業面臨了高獲利保護時代的結束與微利時代的來臨,整體營運績效也漸行式微。反觀中國大陸,官方積極的主導著經濟活動,引領了水泥市場的新契機。台灣廠商也以在中國大陸設廠立足,為未來發展的關鍵策略。本研究從企業內、外部環境與經營策略,透過文獻分析法整理出台灣水泥業赴大陸設廠的關鍵成功因素,並經由專家深度訪談多面向修正,形成AHP基礎分析問卷,找出設廠時獲利及競爭力關鍵成功因素。
Due to the change of time and environment, Taiwan cement industry has faced the ending of a high-profit protection era and moved into a micro-profit era over the past years, and the industry’s overall management efficiency has been deteriorated. On the contrary, in the mainland China, the government is aggressively monitoring and encouraging its domestic economic activities and therefore, creating a new era for mainland’s cement industry. Taiwan cement companies also consider relocating their business to the mainland as a key strategy for future development. The thesis has done studies on key success factors within the business, of the external environment and of the management strategies. The author has organized several critical success factors for Taiwan cement companies relocating to the mainland. Further, by conducting in-depth interviews with sector professionals, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) theory and questionnaire are also used to identify the success factors for cement industry in order to establish its profits and competitiveness when setting up cement plants in the mainland.
In summary, the thesis has concluded three categories of key success factors for the cement industry of Taiwan to successfully relocate its business to the mainland, the factors within the business, of the external environment and of the management strategies. Moreover, the critical beneficial factors are, the degree of aggressiveness of the management, loyalty and cohesion to the company by its employees and employees’ association, level of threat from company’s competitors obtaining the up-stream and down-stream resources, external environment support from the mainland, capability to maintain price and overall cost stability, ability to attract clients’ loyalty to the company, market sensitivity and capability of strategic alliance with peer companies or companies of other sectors, ability to deal with clients’ complaints and ability to provide good customer services.
Finally, the current study also discussed relevant research topics; management practices and follow up research recommendations. It is hoped to provide a good guidance to the Taiwan cement industry for not only successfully relocating their business to the mainland but also providing a critical basis for prioritizing their strategies. |