摘要: | 在這日新月異的工商社會,擁有聽、說、讀、寫流暢的外語能力,已經成為現代教育中不可輕忽的一環。台灣目前的外語學習仍是以英語為主導,然而在這天涯若比鄰,工商、科技業蓬勃發展的現今世代,除了英語之外,其它外語人才的需求是與日俱增。尤其是自蘇聯解體以來,台灣與俄國之間的貿易和民間的文化、學術交流是愈趨頻繁,然而這種密切關係
語音交替在俄語語音中不但是一種頗為複雜的語音現象,而且在學習的過程中又扮演相當關鍵的角色。俄語有33個字母,其中10個母音字母和21個子音字母及兩個符號。三個永遠發硬音的子音— ž、š、c;三個永遠發軟音的子音— č、š’:、j;兩個符號— ь、 ъ。剩下的15個子音視其後面的母音來決定是發成軟子音或是硬子音,若是這些子音後面是母音а, о, у, ы, э和符號ъ要發硬音,若是母音я, ё, ю, и, е 和符號ь則發軟音。軟硬子音共有15對,其對應的關係如下:b-b’、p-p’、v-v’、f-f’、m-m’、d-d’、t-t’、s-s’、z-z’、r-r’、l-l’、n-n’、g-g’、k-k’、x-x’; 成對的有聲子音與無聲子音有11對如下: b-p、b’-p’、v-f、v’-f’、d-t、d’-t’、z-s、z’-s’、ž-š、g-k、g’-k’; 不成對的有聲子音(即響子音)-m、m’、
俄語的音變有下列三種情形: 1.嗓音是否有參與發音的動作(即有聲、無聲) ; 2. 腭化作用(硬、軟子音) ; 3. 主動發音器官和構成的方式。依語音變化性質可分為隨位變化和聯音變化;隨位變化是音位受所處的位置制約而產生的變化;聯音變化是音位受到鄰近音位影響而發生的變化,其中子音
Anyone learning a foreign language hopes to speak it as fluently as their mother tongue. Even though it is an optimum goal, it is a challenge for Taiwanese students studying the Russian language. Learning the Russian language in Taiwan is very difficult because it is not a very ideal environment. Additionally, the rules in alternation of Russian phoneme are more complicated than in other languages. Therefore, most of the students in Taiwan have a difficult time with these rules and can feel frustrated with it. The purpose of this thesis is to provide learners a system to learn the rules of alternation of Russian phoneme in four areas to understand the background in order to overcome this problem and build up their confidence.
In the first chapter, we illustrated the theory about alternation of Russian phoneme. Based on the timeline, the theory can be divided into two parts: the first part is synchronic – the pronunciation and sound conditions are currently in use; the second one is diachronic – the sound changed through a period of time and now has changed the underlying system. It is not used like synchronic but remains in the traditional sense in morpheme.
The vocabulary words included in the second chapter, synchronic and diachronic, are chosen from the resource «лексичесский минимум по русскому языку как иностранному-первый сертификационный уровень». The differences between the two are very small and are easily confused. We differentiated these two types in order to let students easily understand the rules.
In the third chapter, we conducted the experiment of alternation in Russian language using third and fourth year students from three different universities: Institute of Russian Language and Literature, Chinese Culture University, Department of Russian Tamkang University, Department of Faculty of European Languages and Cultures Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. We were interested in analyzing which one of the four categories: assimilation, dissimilation, unpronounced consonants, and reduced vowels is the weakest among our test group. From the conclusion of the experiment statistics, we found that in each category the error rates were at least 70%. It showed that students were relatively weak in this subject. In both assimilation and dissimilation, the error rate was as high as 68%. The reduced vowels category had the lowest error rate. The author believed that this was related to poor pronunciation habits and concentration of students when participating in the test. We observed from this experiment that we should focus and strengthen the ability of students in this subject.
Any language has its own regular rules to follow. Good habits are a man’s best friend as long as you find a right way to consistently and diligently practice every day in order to help you make fewer mistakes. The following suggestions to prevent errors are: 1) Building a good foundation is the basic thing to do. When studying for classes, asking more questions and concentrating harder on the teacher’s words. 2) Gathering a variety of references about alternation of Russian phoneme and learning the words from them. 3) In the case of exceptions in alternation of Russian phoneme, you should practice saying the words out loud while writing them down at the same time. This will help mitigate future errors. |