摘要: | 本論文主要是想要從新進兒保社工的角度來看兒童保護工作所存在的職業風險因子,因此研究的目的在於透過訪談新進兒保社工,來瞭解他們在現職兒童保護工作,無論在社工個人方面、個案家庭方面、機構方面和社會工作整體大環境下,對於兒童保護工作此職業的風險因子,建構出新進兒保社工之職業風險因子,以利未來能夠進行新進兒保社工之職業風險管理。
The current study attempts to regard the factors of career risk from the perspective of new comers of child protection social work (hereunder referred to as new comers for short). Hence the research aims to construct the whole picture of the factors of career risk accountable for new comers so as to undergo the career risk management for this specific professional group through interviewing them and grasping the factors lies in the following respects: social workers themselves, case’s family background, institution and the larger context.
The study adopts the views of phenomenology of qualitative research and collects the information of ten interviewed subjects via deep interview. These interviewed subjects include five new comers, three former child protection social workers and two incumbent child protection supervisors. After converting the record into transcripts and analyzing the content with open coding and axial coding, the study finally induces the analytical results into factors of career risk for new comers of this profession.
The research results have indicated that the work of child protection produces some factors of career risk to new comers, wherein such factors lie in four aspects, namely, social workers themselves, case’s family background, institution and the larger context. First, in the respect of these new comers themselves, the factors of career risk mainly include high psychological stress, frustration, physical discomfort, altered life habits, a decrease of interaction with others, being prone to feel anxious toward work and a difficulty in work assessment. Second, in the respect of case’s family background, the factors of career risk comprise the excessive expectation from case family and new comers, the thinking conflicts of case family and new comers, the resistance of case family, case family’s verbal violence and threats, and case family’s physical attacks and violence, and so forth. Third, in the aspect of institution, the factors of career risk consist of heavy workloads of supervisors, the limited assistance from supervisors, unreasonable demand from the institution, little respect toward new comers, unqualified trainings, inadequate protection for new comers’ personal safety, heavy workloads, long working hours, colossal quantities of cases, salary and workload being out of proportion. Fourth, in the aspect of the social context, the factors of career risk consist of too much concern and unwonted pressure from officials on new comers, the inappropriate expectation of the public on new comers, the compartmentalization of duties being unclear and a lack of professional cooperation.
Lastly, the study provides some suggestions as follows: first, in the respect of individual factors, what needs to be done include ,(1) increasing the awareness of new comers and encouraging them to seek help and take precautionary actions in order to check such factors of career risk in advance; (2) strengthening the self-adjustment capability of new comers by encouraging them make regular exercises, keep good life habits, develop hobbies to lessen stress, take excursions and graciously accept the care and help from family members and friends so as to expel negative feelings and thinking. Second, in the respect of institutional services and measures: (1) Complete occupational trainings, including pre-job trainings and on-site trainings shall be provided. The pre-job trainings guarantee the new comers sessions and practical trainings in their three-month probation, while on-site trainings comprise sessions regarding coping with stress management, or seminars or classes targeted at new issues or regulation, and so on. (2) Personal safety facility shall be installed in institutions, such as office vehicles, office mobile phones, surveillance on entrance guard system, alerts or sirens, constructing different passageways for citizens and child protection social workers. (3) Risk compensation or accidental/medical insurances shall be added so as to provide basic protection for all devoted child protection social workers. (4) Working benefits for the profession shall be increased, such as providing social workers with psychological consultations, in private or as a group, arranging physical checkups for them or offering lawful consultations and so forth. (5) The cooperation of units shall be strengthened by providing a standard of compartmentalization. Such compartmentalization shall be based on professional skills. Meanwhile, the importance of child protection shall be emphasized and related resources shall be put into the abused children and case family subsequently. (6) Proper surveillance: the work force of supervisors shall be supplemented in due time as a way to enhance the functions of surveillance in child protection social work. Third, in the respect of advocating social policy: (1) More child protection social workers shall be recruited to respond to the current lack of workforce and the possible new demands of child protection in the near future. Hence the social workers of child protection and other types of protection shall be employed on a larger basis. (2) Enhance the public recognition of child protection social workers by shooting promotion films with celebrities or seeking resources from television stations. In this way, citizens may get to get familiar with the role of child protection social workers and their content of work. In addition, conducting seminars in community to publicize the child protection social work is another channel for the public to know about this profession. |