本論文分為四章,第一章將介紹法文與中文的簡單句和複雜句,並加以分類。第二章將討論中文與法文的並列複句及聯合複句,第三章則探討中文與法文的偏正複句。在第四章中,將針對中法文各類複句句型的關連詞(la conjonction, le subordonnant)、主要子句和附屬子句的位置、字序等和其他組成複句句型的單位以表格的方式呈現加以比較及討論。論文中190個中法文例句取自於葛西尼的
Since the second half of the twentieth century the western syntax has been in rapid development. The French sentence can be divided into simple sentences and complex sentences. Complex sentences can be divided into parallel complex sentences, coordinate complex sentences and endocentric complex sentences. A complex sentence is combined with a main clause and a subordinate clause. With this western trend, the Chinese syntax is no longer only applied to the commentaries on ancient writings. The study of syntax itself has now risen in importance. The existence of Chinese complex sentences is still one of the fierce debates among the linguists of Chinese grammar. However, in this paper, we adopted the theory of Xin Fuyi, Ma Zhen, Ciao Fengfu and Li Dejin, who have made significant contributions to the study of Chinese complex sentences. The Chinese sentences, as the French sentences, can be divided into simple sentences and complex sentences in which it will be discussed by three categories: parallel complex sentences, coordinate complex sentences and endocentric complex sentences.
There are four chapters in this paper. In the first one, we introduce the French and Chinese simple sentences and complex sentences. These sentences are also classified. The second chapter discusses the parallel and coordinate complex sentences in these two languages. The endocentric complex sentences in French and in Chinese are presented in the third chapter. In the last chapter, the conjunctions, the position of main clauses and subordinate clauses, the order of words and the other units of sentences in these two languages are compared and discussed in the form of tables. In this paper, the 190 sentences in French and in Chinese are taken from « Le petit Nicolas a des ennuis » of René Goscinny, and the Chinese translation of GAO Xianru.