This article mainly discusses topics about femoral injury of volleyball player, including the quadriceps femoris and quarter femoral muscles. This is because running and jumping are the two characteristics of volleyball sport. And strong femoral thew is required to run fast and jump high. The quarter femoral muscles contribute as the driving motor, which dominates all sports and decides an outstanding athlete. The quadriceps femoris executes the jumping action and movement. To qualify as an excellent athlete, one is required to acquire knowledge about sport injury, how to prevent it, and aftertreatment and recovery as basics. Muscle stain results from "sudden backset of contractile muscles themselves". This obviouly points out that "muscle" itself is the issue of the very sort of Injury, and the key point of this issue lies hi the insufficiency of muscle extension and thew. In other words, excellent performance depends not only on a complete set of training, but also a healthy body!