本研究目的是針對國際級飛碟球選手林宜謙所做的個案動作分析(身高168cm,體重64kg,球齡15年)。於選手平時訓練時,利用Panasonic攝影機(60FPS)拍攝擲球過程之動作並透過Motus 6.1版軟體處理影片資料,所得之數據由SPSS統計軟體處裡,經皮爾遜(Pearson)相關係數比較各項數據之相關程度情形,顯著水準設為p<.01。本研究發現選手於8次全倒的擲球過程中,滑步到球離手階段腕關節與肘關節之水平速度成高度相關、肩關節與髖關節之水平速度也是成高度相關,這表示放球點的遠近及軀幹前傾多寡,有影響擊瓶威力的現象;受試者出手瞬間球速最大值為7.88公尺/秒,最小值為7.44公尺/秒,平均值為7.57±0.15公尺/秒,顯示選手於8次出手擲球時,有固定節奏模式且具備良好的協調性完成擲球過程。此外,因球擺動時瞬間的反向動作,強大的反作用力容易造成肩部及手肘受傷,且在瞄球點上產生誤差進而造成失誤現象。
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the motion of a national Spinner bowling player, Yi-Qian Lin (168cm height, 64kg weight, and played for 15 years.) The whole motion process of throwing was filmed by the Panasonic video (60FPS) camera while the subject practiced. The collected data were processed using Peak Motus motion analysis system (version 6.1). The linear relationships of wrist joint horizontal speed (WJHS) and elbow joint horizontal speed (EJHS), shoulder joint horizontal speed (SJHS) and the hip joint horizontal speed (HJHS) were determined by Pearson Correlation. The significance level was set at 0.05. Significant correlation between WJHS and EJHS (p<.01), and between SJHS and HJHS (p<.01) were found during eight times of strikes. The striking power may be influenced by throwing distance and throwing position. The maxima release speed conducted by the player was 7.88m/s, the minimum is 7.44m/s, and the average was 7.57±0.15m/s. It showed that the subject performed a regular tempo motion and good coordination to complete a throw in 8 strikes. Besides, the reacting force may easily harm the player's shoulder and wrist that may result in making mistakes during throwing.